Thursday, February 14, 2008

Opening Day: 46 Days and Counting...

Can you feel that? That tingling sense of anticipation? Yes, today is a very important day, for pitchers and catchers report to their respective spring training complexes and baseball is officially underway!

It's also Valentine's Day, which, to be honest, I don't even have the energy to rant against this year. So instead, I'll combine the day's two events and declare my love for the youngsters on the Yankees pitching staff: Joba Chamberlain and Phil Hughes.

So... between the text messaging, the killer fastball, the bugs, the blog, the 7-inning no-hitter, the composure unheard of for a 21-year-old, and the t-shirt, it's official. You guys are kind of a big deal. Love ya, boys!

Let the countdown to Opening Day 2008 begin!

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